Appointment Booking using Angularjs, Nodejs, Mongodb

Oct 20, 2019
2 min read
  • #nodejs
  • #angularjs
  • #mongodb
  • #appointment booking

In this tutorial, we will create a simple, real and single page Appointment Booking web application using Javascript Fullstack or MEAN Stack (MongoDB + Express + AngualrJS + NodeJS) which can also be used as an Event Scheduler.

  • The Javascript fullstack will have both Client and Server architecture and will share the same JSON (Javascript Simple Object Notation) format across Client, Server and Database.
  • The code will be fast, modular and less redundant.
  • We will integrate Google Material Design guidelines into our code for a better UI experience.
  • We will use document based no-sql database named MongoDB
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Install Required Softwares

‘NodeJS is a non blocking, event-driven javascript framework for building network based applications. This comes with Node Package Manager. (npm)’

Install NodeJS and run node

“MongoDB is a Javascript based cross-platform document-oriented NoSQL database.”

Install MongoDB and run mongod in a separate shell to keep an instance of the MongoDB Daemon running

Start the application Open Command Prompt / Terminal and Run the following commands

npm install : Installs all required server dependencies. bower install: Installs front-end packages required for our application. node server: Starts the application on port 8080 (http://localhost:8080)

Open your web browser and point to http://localhost:8080


client/index.html The starting point for our application front end.

client/app.js It starts the angular module and links the required external dependencies.

client/customer.html Appointment details with customer information.

client/main.css All css files for main.html

client/main.html Application’s front end

client/main.js It implements required logics.

server/index.js It creates the appointments ReST API routes.

server/api/appointment/index.js The appointments ReST API routes are defined here.

server/api/appointment/model.js Defines the appointments database model.

package.json It carries node dependencies which are required for this application.