100+ most effective ways to promote a new blog for free
Here I list out more than 100 ways to promote your new blog. All techniques defined here are free but need you to invest 1-2 days time to get the results
Sep 16, 2020A simple Angularjs web app that converts text to url format
We are going to create a very simple yet powerful web app using AngularJS from Google. Our app will take any input and will convert it into URL format instantly
May 29, 2019Angularjs datagrid paging, sorting, filter using PHP and Mysql
This tutorial explains how to create a datagrid similar to ASP.NET gridview with client side paging, searching and sorting functionality using AngularJS, PHP, MySQL
Jul 25, 2019Appointment Booking using Angularjs, Nodejs, Mongodb
In this tutorial, we will create a simple, real and single page Appointment Booking web application using Javascript Fullstack
Oct 20, 2019Appointment Booking Microservice using Javascript Fullstack
In this tutorial, we will create a simple, real and single page Appointment Booking web application using Javascript Fullstack which can also be used as an Event Scheduler.
Jan 12, 2020Best Open Source Load Testing Tools of 2023
Review and comparison of the best Load Testing / Stress Testing Tools in 2023
Jan 30, 2019Configure Vultr for Nodejs Deployment
How to setup and deploy nodejs application for production to ubuntu cloud. We will be using Vultr for this deployment.
Feb 1, 2020Creating REST API using Nodejs and consuming in Angularjs
We will create a simple inventory manager app which will communicate to database
Aug 8, 2019Creating SWAP file on Linux
There are the steps to create a swap file which will act as RAM when sufficient space not available in RAM
Dec 18, 2015Demo of a simple CRUD Restful php service used with Angularjs and Mysql
In this tutorial we will create a RESTful web service using PHP. Also we will create a Customer Manager Application using AngularJS as front end
Aug 15, 2019Frontendfun marketplace for software projects
About frontendfun, how it works, what problem it solves
Jul 16, 2021Generate PDF using PHP from Mysql database
We will discuss, how to generate a simple PDF file from your MySQL database using PHP. For this purpose we will use the popular PHP library FPDF
Aug 8, 2019How to change Mysql password
Here is the code to change MySQL password which is latest and works fine for me.
Jun 2, 2019How to create a facebook style autocomplete using Angularjs
This tutorial explains how to show autocomplete results for a textbox input using AngularJS, PHP and MySQL with the help of Angular UI directive.
Jun 30, 2019Inventory Manager Using Angularjs Mysql Php
We will add, update, delete, activate, deactivate products from inventory. Some AngularJS directives will make our job easy
Sep 15, 2019Online Shopping Mega Menu using Angularjs, PHP, Mysql
We will create E-Commerce megamenu to display all the available category of products using AngularJS
Jul 10, 2019Send email with PDF attachment using PHP
In this tutorial we will query the MySQL database to get the updated data from our table and email the data to the desired email as PDF attachment.
Oct 9, 2019Complete steps to configure elasticsearch on Ubuntu
Here are complete steps to get started with elasticsearch on Ubuntu machine
Feb 17, 2021ShopNx - The assistant manager for influencers
About Shopnx program, how it works, what problem it solves
Jul 16, 2021Simple file upload example using Angularjs
In this tutorial we will create an AngularJS web app that will upload the user selected file to server using nodejs. To achieve this we will use the multer node module.
Aug 8, 2019Simple project demonstrates how to send email using Nodejs
Scenario-1: We wish our users to be able to communicate to the admin, author, managers of our website.
Aug 6, 2019Simple task manager application using Angularjs PHP Mysql
This tutorial explains how to create a simple Task Manager application using AngularJS. Here I used PHP for server side communication and MySQL for database.
Oct 1, 2019Steps to Configure Amazon EC2 for Nodejs app deployment
In this tutorial I will show you, how to configure Amazon EC2 server for an NodeJS app
Sep 15, 2019Steps to Configure Digital Ocean Droplet for Nodejs Application Deployment
How to setup and deploy nodejs application for production to ubuntu cloud. We will be using Digital Ocean Cloud droplets for this deployment.
Nov 7, 2019Steps configuring PHP Cron Jobs - Godaddy
You need to use the following path settings for different versions of PHP
Jun 6, 2019Useful database helper class to generate CRUD statements using PHP and Mysql
This database helper class generate the CRUD statements dynamically and always output the response in a standard format. Hence reducing the recurring tasks load on programmer
Jul 12, 2019User authentication using Angularjs, PHP, Mysql
Mixing PHP, MySQL, and AngularJS with Sessions and User Login, Logout, Account Creation would be awesome
Aug 25, 2019Voting system similar to stackoverflow using Angularjs PHP and Mysql
We will try to create a simple voting system app similar to StackOverflow.com using AngularJS, PHP and MySQL
May 8, 2019